I have never met a more passionate and dedicated group of women than the wonderful team at AMBC. I believe that 90% of job satisfaction is dependent on the people you work with, and whether we’re comparing pictures of pets, bemoaning the latest software updates, or (god forbid) actually working, I know when I leave home in the morning that I’ll spend more time smiling and laughing at work than stressing (and you can’t say that about every job!).
Working the front desk affords you the benefit of hearing people’s testimonials directly from the source. When patients come out of their appointments singing the praises of our incredible doctors and nursing teams, or their parents (now grandparents) tell you how they wish services like these were available when they needed them; you know that you’re a part of something meaningful. As I work towards completing my university education and moving into the big wide world of Allied Health, I’m very grateful to know that the passion for women’s health and patient centred care is alive and well in Adelaide, and to know some of the phenomenal people behind it.