Double Pumping Made Easy
For some women, their breastfeeding journey involves an intimate relationship with a breast pump. Most women find a hospital-grade double electric pump the most effective for milk removal. For those who like to multi-task, mastering the art of double pumping hands-free, is a must! Here are Dr Briony Andrew’s and Dr Rhiannon Smith’s pumping hacks.
- Rhiannon swore by her cheap and cheerful method which just needs 4 elastic hair ties. You join 2 hair ties together in a figure-8 shape, loop one end around the neck of the flange and one end onto the top hook of your maternity bra. Ingenious! Click here to see an article on the kellymom website for the exact details.
- Briony liked the “PumpEase bra”. It’s made from a wide range of funky-patterned bather-material (easy to wash), and is a bandeau that does up with hook and eye closure at the front. You can use it over the top of your maternity bra (with the maternity bra cups folded down). It has slits over the breasts where the neck of the flange comes through. It works really well to hold the cups in place while you pump hands-free. Click here to head to their website.
- Briony also experimented with “Freemies”. These are a milk collection system (cups) that you can use with most double electric breast pumps. They are breast-shaped and you simply slip them into your maternity bra. You can pump discretely almost anywhere! She found her volumes were lower than when she used the regular flanges. Others don’t find this, and it may come down to your breast shape. For convenience factor, they are worthwhile considering, but they do come at a cost. Click here for more information.
- Specific pumping bras are another option, which some women swear by. Medela do one, Bravado is another brand, and Simple Wishes is a crowd pleaser. A google search won’t take long to find one of these. The Simple Wishes “all-in-one” bra is pictured here.
- A homemade version of this is just to buy a cheap maternity bra and cut slits over the nipple area. Poke the neck of your breast pump flange through, position the flange over your breast, do the bra up and connect the flange to the tubing. Hey presto! You will probably need to wear a breast pad to cover the hole when you’re not pumping.
We hope these ideas make your pumping journey easier!
by Dr Briony Andrew and Dr Rhiannon Smith